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    Adescor Inc.

    149 A Thames Road West


    +1 519 235-0870

    The Unicor shuttle technology has been developed over the past decade evolving to a very simple and efficient drive system to cycle the water cooled mold blocks through the pipe forming middle channel. The first inventors of the shuttle concept Unicor have developed a number of machine models to cover the wide range of diameters that can be made on this machinery platform. The recent redesign of the shuttle corrugators to meet the needs of the North American market has resulted in a corrugator carrier design of 24″, giving the customer the opportunity to match existing mold blocks or profile designs on the corrugator. All Unicor shuttle corrugators are based on water cooling and vacuum forming for the mold blocks, however it may be possible to use air cooled molds if the customer does not require the output and diameter control inherent with water cooled molds.

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